12 Ways to Cultivate Joy
Joy is a wellspring. If we are tapped into it, it is renewing and inspiring
But joy can often feel out of reach and evasive.
What is the source of joy?
How can we cultivate more of it? Where does it come from?
Joy is our natural state. It is the soul’s truest expression. The more we live from this pure eternal part of us, the more accessible joy becomes. Here are 12 ways to tap into your soul and access the joy within.
1. Feel and connect with your innate goodness. We all have an innate goodness within. It is so clearly recognizable in the innocence of children. This pure spark is the light within. While life may dim or dampen it, when we can tune into that goodness again, it brightens that spark. Connecting with our hearts is the most direct way to access it. All the suggestions below can also help us to tune into this goodness.
2. See and connect with the goodness in others. When we focus our attention on the goodness in others, their goodness is invited forward. Think of the last time someone really “saw” you, what they were willing to see was your true nature and your goodness. It feels good to be seen this way, and it feels good to see another this way. Note: we don’t have to leave out our discernment to see another’s goodness.
3. Extend kindness. Kindness extends easily when we connect to our heart and the hearts of others. This isn’t some false show of kindness, but real authentic kindness, a softened heart connected to and caring for others.
4. Notice and create beauty. Beauty is like a visual language of the soul. Beauty can open, inspire and comfort. Noticing beauty and creating beauty are nourishing. Whether that is taking in the beauty of art and nature or creating a flower bouquet. Beauty is a soul food.
5. Laugh and smile often. Laughter strengthens the immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain and helps protect you from the damaging effects of stress. Laughter really is the best medicine. It also creates more emotional lightness, and connects people together. Smiling has these effects as well.
6. Live in reverence and cultivate gratitude. Life is an unfolding miracle. When we cultivate an attitude of reverence and gratitude we are more open and receptive to this miracle. There is always something, however large or small, to be in awe of.
7. Relish every moment. The more present we are, the more relaxed and mindful we become, the more we are able to truly experience the moment. Even just the simple experience of being with our own breath, body and senses can be very nourishing.
8. Live in alignment with your core truths and values. When we live in alignment with our deepest truth and values, we experience peace and congruency. When we go outside of these core truths, we create separation and shame within. Integrity within self is an important foundation for inner harmony, peace and joy.
9. Share your gifts and passions. Our gifts and passions are a expression of our true selves. Engaging and sharing these gifts and passions is enlivening and soul stirring not only to us, but to those who witness. Deep authentic inspired expression opens and uplifts us all.
10. Forgive and let go. Forgiveness is a willingness to release a hurt or burden. We often think we hold on to hurt to either protect us from further hurt, or to punish another. However, holding on only really serves to keep our own heart heavy. It is important we feel the emotions and learn the lessons associated with whatever the event might have been. In this way the learnings can become wisdom, and we can grow from even difficult situations. As we grow we can more easily release and forgive.
11. Play and have fun. Play is one of the fastest ways to tap directly into the magic, joy, and wonder of the child within. We can “lose” our selves in the moment moving out of the mind and into the pure playful heart. When was the last time you truly played?
These are all simple and amazing ways to cultivate joy and tap into your soul. They are all accessible in almost any moment. All they require is a shift in awareness and a willingness to open. Some may feel shy, or even cheesy when you first start to practice them, but a little willingness will reap the sweet rewards of an increasingly joyful life.
My last (but not least) suggestion for cultivating joy is a little different than the others. It is not accessible in any moment like the others. However, it will drastically improve your ability to access joy and open you even more to the connection of your soul.
12. Get a Life Activation. A Life Activation is an ancient energetic modality that anchors more energy and light into your body and all the way into the DNA. It helps you to align with your true purpose and it empowers you to access more of your gifts and passions. It brings in more vitality and clarity, and shifts old unconscious patterns out. Click here to find a practitioner or for more information.
May the world know more joy…
With Love,