Things you should know when starting on your spiritual path…

Sydney Culver
3 min readJul 29, 2021


It is not easy nor glamorous

The images of spirituality depict things like meditation, yoga poses, crystals, goddessy women, sage and namaste. They portray a sexy, sparkly, zen vibe and we have an idea of what a “spiritual person” looks and acts like. People often think they are signing up for rainbows and unicorns, they are hooked by the IG glamour or the shiny bits. However, the truth is a real spiritual path is really none of those things. Stepping sincerely onto a spiritual path is to declare a willingness for the dissolution of all that is not truth, an openness to face all sorts of uncomfortable truths, and a surrender of your preferences into something far vaster. While crystals, meditation and sage may be a part of the process, the real practice is a commitment to open, grow, heal and transform which is often not comfortable nor easy.

Things will likely get harder before they get easier

When we step onto a spiritual path, we begin to expand our awareness. Awareness leads to more awareness and we shine light into our consciousness and we begin to see what is really there. What seemed before to be a relatively small room of self to see, suddenly becomes several rooms, and eventually an entire mansion to know and explore. It can be overwhelming at first to realize there is much more to sort and face than what we were able to see before. However awareness is power, and as we progress we grow in our ability to integrate and alchemize whatever we find.

There will be many deaths and rebirths

To step onto a spiritual path is to commit to a life of continual evolution. The pinnacle of one stage of growth becomes the valley for the next cycle. While this is naturally a part of life, choosing a spiritual path will greatly accelerate this process. This also may mean your outer life circumstances may change to match your evolutionary process.

What isn’t in alignment will have to go

A spiritual path is a commitment to truth. While truth is ultimately liberating and freeing, it is also often inconvenient and disruptive. An increase of truth and awareness means we have to tell the truth about the habits, behaviors, situations and relationships that no longer serve us. Denial becomes increasingly difficult, and anything less than full alignment is increasingly intolerant.

You will see sides of yourself you didn’t know existed

Along the journey you will become intimate with a much greater spectrum of who you are. This includes both your light and dark sides. In fact, you cannot be granted access to more of your power and gifts without the integration of both. The whole of who you thought you were will greatly expand in all directions.

You will come to know a freedom you didn’t know was possible

A spiritual path is an alchemical process. It is a continual refinement and purification process from the lead of your unconsciousness toward the gold of your true self. Not all of the stages of alchemy are easy nor “pretty” (in fact most of them are not!), but the continual refinement of your being towards its true nature is the greatest reward. A deep inner peace and freedom is that true nature.

Your true self is worth it all

The spiritual path is a return home to the truth of who you are. This isn’t some lofty ideal, rather an easy resting in the knowingness of YOU once all that isn’t you has been removed. Sometimes it may seem you are moving towards something, when actually you are removing what is in the way of coming home to your absolutely beautiful and amazing true self. This homecoming makes it ALL worthwhile.

If you are called to a spiritual path, and ready for all of the above, I invite you to step onto the path of Initiation, and begin the greatest and most rewarding journey of your life…



Sydney Culver
Sydney Culver

Written by Sydney Culver

Illuminated Feminine Mentor, Feminine Embodiment, Inner Union Alchemist, Healer and Guide.

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